Saturday, February 8, 2020

REST Assured Static Import

Most of the time we have used all the static method of REST Assured using Class reference of REST Assured classes

But we can use the static method of REST Assured classes using static import.

import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;  

Now we can use given() method directly no required of RestAssured to access given() method

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import io.restassured.builder.RequestSpecBuilder;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import io.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification;

public class ValidateAPI {

    public void validateSimpleAPI() {
        RequestSpecification requestSpecification = new RequestSpecBuilder().setBaseUri("")
                .addFilter(new CustomLoggingFilter())

Robot Framework set up

Now a days most of the time we are looking for configuration based and less coding tools for development and testing as well.

Robot Framework is such kind of automation tool where we can say development of automation scenario is much easier with less coding.

Now we will learn how we can configure Robot framework

Step 1:

Download python from here

Step 2:

Select the checkbox Add Python  to path.

Step 3:

Check the python installation
                                                             python --version
                                                             python -v
                                                             pip --version
                                                             pip -v

Step 4:

Install Robot Framework using the following command:

                                                           pip install robotframework

                                                           pip install --upgrade robotframework

Step 5:

Install robotframework-seleniumlibrary using the following command

                                                          pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary

                                                          pip install --upgrade robotframework-seleniumlibrary
Step 6:

Open Eclipse Marketplace…
Help ->  Eclipse Marketplace...
Step 7:

Search for robot framework plugin we will use RED – Robot Editor


Add python plugin PyDev

Step 8:

After completion of successful installation, we get the RED – Robot Editor documentation.

We can open the documentation from here.

We can also get the details from the official GitHub page.

Step 9:

Add Perspective for Robot from Eclipse
Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other…


Select Robot from Open Perspective window and click on Open button.

Now we can see the Robot perspective added in eclipse.

Also Check Robot Preferences from
Window -> Preferences -> Robot

Step 10:

Create a new Robot project File -> New -> Project 

Select Robot Project from Robot Framework section

Then give a name of this project and click Finish

Step 11:

Add a new Test Suite

Step 12: 

Type the following code for robot script.

*** Test Cases ***
    Log   Hello 
Right click on the file and run.