Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Cucumber A Behavior Driven Development(BDD) Tool

Here we will learn about Cucumber a Behavior Driven Development(BDD) Tool.

What is BDD ?

Ans : Behavior Driven Development or BDD is a process where we will concentrate on the behavior of the application not on the implementation details. BDD use human understandable language where we try to focus the behavior of an application. So as it is a human readable language we can involve Business stakeholders, Business Analysts, QA Team and developers.

What is TDD ?
Ans : Test Driven Development or TDD is the approach where we write down all the expectation from the Application and can implement all the expectation gradually.

Explain the difference between TDD and BDD ?
Ans : Let's take an example of different type of sort like bubble,selection,merge, insertion sort. So if we go for the TDD, we need to write test cases for each and every sort because implementation of each sort are different but in BDD we need to write only one test case because every sort have the same expected outcomes and BDD focus on the expectation not on the implementation.

Can you mention some BDD tools name?
Ans : There are so many BDD tools available. Cucumber and Jbehave are some of those. This are open source tools.

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