Earlier we have learn about Log4j configurations in details. Here we will learn about configuration of Log4j 2 configuration in maven project.
Step 1:
Create a maven project(we can create a simple java project as well).
Step 2:
Add dependency in pom.xml file.
Step 3:
Create Log4j2 configuration xml file if it is not created then only error will be displayed on console.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
<Property name="logPath">./logs</Property>
<Property name="rollingFileName">testlog</Property>
<Property name="consolePattern"> %d{DEFAULT} [%t] [%highlight{%-5level}] %c:%L:%F - %msg%n%throwable{short.lineNumber}</Property>
<Property name="rollingFilePattern">%d{DEFAULT} [%t] [%highlight{%-5level}] %c:%L:%F - %msg%n%throwable{short.lineNumber}</Property>
<Console name="console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
pattern="${consolePattern}" />
<RollingFile name="rollingFile" fileName="${logPath}/${rollingFileName}.log" filePattern="${logPath}/${rollingFileName}_%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.log">
pattern="${rollingFilePattern}" />
<!-- Causes a rollover if the log file is older than the current JVM's start time -->
<!-- <OnStartupTriggeringPolicy /> -->
<!-- Causes a rollover once the date/time pattern no longer applies to the active file -->
<!-- <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="1" modulate="true" /> -->
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10 mb" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="20"/>
<RollingFile name="htmlFileLogger" fileName="${logPath}/${rollingFileName}.html" filePattern="${logPath}/${rollingFileName}_%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.html">
<HTMLLayout charset="UTF-8" title="Test Logs" locationInfo="true" />
<!-- <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="1" modulate="true" /> -->
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10 mb" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="20"/>
<Root level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="console" />
<AppenderRef ref="rollingFile" />
<AppenderRef ref="htmlFileLogger" />
Step 4:
We can put this configuration file in classpath of the created project but if we try to keep the different location then we need to mention the path of this configuration file set this file location on LoggerContext.
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
File file = new File("./log4j2.xml");
Step 5:
Now we can write the following code for logging using Log4j2.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext;
public class TestLogger {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(TestLogger.class.getName());
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
File file = new File("./log4j2.xml");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
logger.info("Test" + i);
logger.error("Test" + i);
logger.debug("Test" + i);
logger.warn("Test" + i);
Step 6:
Complete project structure should be looked like below:
Step 1:
Create a maven project(we can create a simple java project as well).
Step 2:
Add dependency in pom.xml file.
Step 3:
Create Log4j2 configuration xml file if it is not created then only error will be displayed on console.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
<Property name="logPath">./logs</Property>
<Property name="rollingFileName">testlog</Property>
<Property name="consolePattern"> %d{DEFAULT} [%t] [%highlight{%-5level}] %c:%L:%F - %msg%n%throwable{short.lineNumber}</Property>
<Property name="rollingFilePattern">%d{DEFAULT} [%t] [%highlight{%-5level}] %c:%L:%F - %msg%n%throwable{short.lineNumber}</Property>
<Console name="console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
pattern="${consolePattern}" />
<RollingFile name="rollingFile" fileName="${logPath}/${rollingFileName}.log" filePattern="${logPath}/${rollingFileName}_%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.log">
pattern="${rollingFilePattern}" />
<!-- Causes a rollover if the log file is older than the current JVM's start time -->
<!-- <OnStartupTriggeringPolicy /> -->
<!-- Causes a rollover once the date/time pattern no longer applies to the active file -->
<!-- <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="1" modulate="true" /> -->
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10 mb" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="20"/>
<RollingFile name="htmlFileLogger" fileName="${logPath}/${rollingFileName}.html" filePattern="${logPath}/${rollingFileName}_%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.html">
<HTMLLayout charset="UTF-8" title="Test Logs" locationInfo="true" />
<!-- <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="1" modulate="true" /> -->
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10 mb" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="20"/>
<Root level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="console" />
<AppenderRef ref="rollingFile" />
<AppenderRef ref="htmlFileLogger" />
Step 4:
We can put this configuration file in classpath of the created project but if we try to keep the different location then we need to mention the path of this configuration file set this file location on LoggerContext.
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
File file = new File("./log4j2.xml");
Step 5:
Now we can write the following code for logging using Log4j2.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext;
public class TestLogger {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(TestLogger.class.getName());
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
File file = new File("./log4j2.xml");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
logger.info("Test" + i);
logger.error("Test" + i);
logger.debug("Test" + i);
logger.warn("Test" + i);
Step 6:
Complete project structure should be looked like below:
Hello Arjun,
ReplyDeleteCan you please give the detail explanation of Step 4??
1. By default Log4j 2 try to find the configuration file of log4j from class path so we make it as false
DeleteLoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
2. Now passing the configuration file for log4j.
File file = new File("./log4j2.xml");
Hi Arjun,
ReplyDeleteHow to generate logs in both html and log file?
It is already generating html and and normal log file because we are using html appender in config
Deletethe room where it happened pdf
ReplyDeleteعثمان 28
عتبة دروس بكالوريا 2020
قيامة عثمان 28
الدروس المعنية ببكالوريا 2020
بنك الفروض والاختبارات
مديرية التربية ام البواقي
العتبة باك 2020
عتبة الدروس لبكالوريا 2020
download the room where it happened
الموقع الاول للدراسة في الجزائر ثانية ثانوي
dz exam
رانيا يوسف
public class UdemyTest extends BrowserSetup {
ReplyDeleteWebDriver driver;
SearchWebDevelopement obj;
public static Logger log=LogManager.getLogger(UdemyTest.class);
public void setup() throws IOException
log.info("driver is initialized");
log.info("Navigated to homepage");
UdemyPagesFunctionality ob=new UdemyPagesFunctionality(driver);
public void CorrectSearchWeb()
SearchWebDevelopement obj=new SearchWebDevelopement(driver);
obj.Search("web developement");
boolean status=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='sort']")).isDisplayed();
// System.out.println("Correct course searched");
log.info("Successfully validated text message");
I am not able to generate the logger file even after adding dependencies and log4j2.xml
I have added log4j2.xml and TestLogger.java class accordingly, still if I do maven install my cucumber-report is generating the error
ReplyDelete'Error: no log4j2 configuration file found' can u give any advice here please